In 2014-15, researchers from the Cawthron Institute collected samples of bilge water were collected from 30 privately owned yachts and motorboats operating in the Nelson and Marlborough regions of New Zealand. The main objectives of the research were to:
Both conventional (morphological) and molecular methods were used to identify the organisms present in the samples. More taxa (118) were identified by the molecular methods than by visual examination (45) of the water samples. At least 5 of the species identified were not native to the region, but were known to occur there. Larvae of the solitary ascidian, Ciona spp. and the bryozoan, Bugula neritina, and fragments of the colonial ascidian, Didemnum vexillum, passed through an experimental bilge pump system relatively unharmed. Survival of the propagules declined with the time spent in the bilge sump, but some survived for up to 3 days.
The study shows that bilge water discharges do pose some biosecurity threat and may contribute to local, coastal spread of unwanted species. Further research is needed to understand the risk profiles of different vessel types and potential mitigation measures.
The findings of this research are published in the scientific journal Biological Invasions. The project was funded by NIWA through the Strategic Science Investment Fund [Coasts and Oceans Research Programme 6 (Marine Biosecurity)].
Lauren Fletcher |
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